The University of New South Wales empowers students to chart intentional paths to graduation

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) has partnered with Stellic to transform how students engage with their academic journey. Looking ahead, the end-to-end platform will empower students to forge personalized paths to graduation, while positioning advisors and staff to support students in a more robust capacity.

UNSW is a powerhouse of innovation, attracting students from all over the world. It’s an institution that continuously refines the experience for its 60,000+ students. As such, they set out to enhance the way students manage their journey, helping them make informed planning decisions and aligning a degree path with their academic and career goals.

The experience of Stellic will empower students at UNSW to pursue a degree with intention. They will be able to drag and drop courses into multi-term plans, selecting directly from their program requirements and courses that interest them. Students will be notified when a course in their plan is not advancing their progress, or if a course is not likely to be offered in a certain term. What’s more, Stellic will allow students to plan and track non-course activities, like internships, which tie into their overall learning. Their advisors will have a verbatim view of an individual student’s plan and progress, ensuring that everyone remains on the same page.

Zooming out, pathways will offer UNSW students a framework to personalize their multi-term plans, suggesting course sequences and indicating where students can enjoy more flexibility. They’ll be able to explore implications of larger decisions, for instance, how a program change would affect their degree timeline.

Consolidating these elements into one system will help advisors and staff support students more deeply. Drawing from abundant data in Stellic, advisors will be able to easily find groups of students based on common characteristics, such as unmet requirements or planned courses. This ability will help them monitor student progression toward graduation and identify the students who may need additional support. Live reports will notify advisors when students match criteria that could compromise their graduation timeline. With minimal friction, they can collaborate with those students to get them back on track.

By unifying key components of the student’s journey, every UNSW student will be poised to follow an intentional path to completion with effective guidance from advisors along the way. In doing so, UNSW has reaffirmed its position as an innovative, world-class institution that cares deeply about its students and the opportunities that await them post-graduation.

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