The University of Virginia partners with Stellic to plant the future of advising

Toward their goal to provide an intuitive, user-friendly platform that encourages deeper student-advisor conversations, the University of Virginia has turned to Stellic. UVA hopes to make Stellic’s end-to-end degree management platform a core component of the “Great and Good Plan” for 2030, to ensure all students receive the academic, career, and personal advising they need to thrive.

To execute on their 2030 vision, UVA began searching for a tool that would facilitate greater connection between students and their advisors, promote advisor collaboration, and enable them to deliver highly tailored student guidance. During their evaluation, the University realized how deeply integral degree planning and progress are to the advising process, which propelled their decision to go with Stellic.

Within the platform, students will be able to visualize their entire UVA journey, empowering them to map out their own path and see their progress each semester — all while having the ability to seek their advisor’s guidance in the same screen. Once students feel satisfied and confident in their planning choices at a given time, they can request a review from their advisor, keeping everyone on the same page and opening the door for a conversation.

With an identical view of academic plans through Stellic, students and advisors will be immediately aligned on what academic progress and future pathways look like. If students have a question during the planning process, they’ll be able to send their advisor a one-off message in Stellic. For those conversations that require more personalized direction and guidance, students can seamlessly schedule an advising appointment, getting the level of support they need when they need it.

Taking the support even further, Stellic will also centralize advising notes, enabling advisors to conduct more hands-on, productive advising sessions and share information with fellow advisors and other offices when needed. They’ll be able to route students to the financial aid office or residential life, and send along a copy of their notes from Stellic, which will ensure that students can access the campus resources that will help them thrive.

Moreover, advisors will be empowered to scale personalized guidance. Advisors can filter for numerous criteria to identify the students who may need additional support, such as program, GPA, unplanned courses, engagement, and so forth. Based on those results, advisors can reach out to those students, leave a note for them, save the results in a report, or set up automated alerts when new students match the search criteria — all to help students in a way that makes sense in any given circumstance. 

With Stellic, the University of Virginia will be well on their way to achieving their 2030 vision by enhancing its advisor resources and empowering students to have the best possible experiences while at UVA and beyond.

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